poetry index






by Leslie Monsour














 Leslie Monsour reads 
click to hear Leslie Monsour read "Augury"

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Caught by autumn sun's retreating blaze,
we stop to watch a pair of red-tailed hawks.
In skyward suit, commingling in the haze,

they consummate, secure above the rocks.
Mid-path, we come across a fallen feather;
it imitates our tense tranquility,

our eccentricity of past restraint.
Collecting it, I can't determine whether
this dusty emblem of fidelity

is noble, dignified...or simply quaint.
The preceding poems are available in the fine letter press edition, Indelibility, for $18, post paid, from: 

Michael Peich
Aralia Press
Department of English
West Chester University
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19383

A Feminine Riposte to X. J. Kennedy by Leslie Monsour








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