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That's Why there Are so Many   


by Leslie Monsour














 Leslie Monsour reads 
click to hear Leslie Monsour read "That's Why there Are so Many"
That's Why there Are so Many

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A soft, black plum released itself
From all its branch-held kin;
It landed with a single "klop"
And opened up its skin.

The narrow slit showed amber flesh
Of glistening surprise,
Which, uncontained, spilled drop by drop,
Inviting in the flies.

But all of nature's laws and forces,
Including gravity,
Were not enough to keep it there
And let it be a tree;

For I was there to see the fruit
split open at my feet,
Inviting me before the flies
to taste its sun-warmed meat.

I took it to the kitchen sink
That idle, blind-hot day,
And rinsed it well and ate it clean,
Then threw the stone away.

Fifties Music by Leslie Monsour








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