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Terese Coe 10-30-2002 04:55 PM

This is a joy! I'm glad to hear my old friend Wiley is over there (actually, he was the first to challenge me to do a French form in French, the triolet, almost two years ago on the Gaz), as well as Susan and Robert and Wendy and Gail... I'm going over there this minute to take a look. Exciting news!


[This message has been edited by Terese Coe (edited October 30, 2002).]

Deborah Warren 10-30-2002 05:02 PM

Terese: I can't wait for the Ronsard! I'm going to go shake the dust out of a book or two this very night to get in shape for your work. If what I've seen is any indication, the only work WE'll have is to admire.


Terese Coe 10-30-2002 05:55 PM

Tim, thanks for the encouragement on the Ronsard translations. I just noticed your announcement after making my previous post, and I know the translation section of the Lariat will be a welcome resource for all the many translators you've so generously cultivated and for whom you have now become something of an impresario! You've become OUR (;) own cultural phenomenon. Blessings on you and congratulations to all the poets. I'll do my best to rise to the occasion.

Here are a few comments on these poets' ebooks (though I didn't see R. Mezey's there):

Wiley, I especially loved your "Ukiyo"; you totally took me out of New York for a while there (a trip devoutly to be wished from time to time), and the delicacy of the language and smooth syntax enhance sensitivity. "Epitaph" is another one of my favorites.

Susan, my favorites were 12, which is smooth, witty and simply perfect, and 13, especially the line about the "purse full of cobwebs"; I recalled seeing the delightful 83 and 11 before in less accomplished versions, and they've always been favorites.

Wendy, I recall "If You Should See" from the board, and it's still one of the best ever posted for its music and profundity.

Gail, excellent work on "White Collar Blue": wry and original with a brilliant finale.


[This message has been edited by Terese Coe (edited October 31, 2002).]

wendy v 10-30-2002 07:43 PM

Sharon, Bill, and Terese, thank you, it means a lot. Bit of a thrill for lil ol me.

And baskets of thanks to Mr T, who was kind enough to think of me.

Looking forward to Terese's translations, and wondering who's next...


Clive Watkins 10-31-2002 12:59 AM

Congratulations, one and all!

Clive Watkins

Jim Hayes 10-31-2002 05:02 AM

Tim, I've just read Wendy's book and been utterly enchanted. It's wonderful work Wendy, thank you.

And soon we'll have Terese's! Congratulations Terese, I'm looking forward to seeing it up- well deserved.


[This message has been edited by Jim Hayes (edited October 31, 2002).]

Tim Murphy 11-01-2002 04:06 PM

The series just took a giant leap forward in distinction with the appearance of eighteen of Mezey's finest poems. And I mean a giant leap!

Tim Murphy 11-02-2002 10:30 AM

Rhina tells me that Kate enedict is now in the e-book series, and "it's like finding buried gold in the living room!" Thanks, Rhina, and congratulations to Kate.

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