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Catherine Tufariello 03-14-2002 05:29 AM

Carol, thanks. This is a great site, with lots of talented and discerning participants. I’m happy to be part of it.

Robert, it’s funny you mention the string of w’s because I spent a lot of time saying the final lines of that poem aloud, wondering if I’d overdone the alliteration. Even after it was taken and published, I had qualms. Nice to know you think I got away with it!

Tim, I’m blushing... As you know, your editing suggestions have helped me improve quite a few poems over the past three or four years, and I’m grateful for your gifts both as a poet and reader.

Alicia, I stumbled across the fascinating discussion of heterometric lines the other day while browsing the boards. I was surprised and very flattered to see a poem of mine there, and no need to ask! I can't resist adding a belated contribution to that thread, since it's still open.

Again, many thanks to you all for making me feel so welcome.

Rhina P. Espaillat 03-14-2002 06:50 PM

Catherine, those are wonderful poems on the internet, and I want you to know that your "Annunciations," which I brought back with me from West Chester last year, turns up in my house everywhere because I pick it up to read at odd moments for the beauty and intelligence of it, so that it follows me around! I wish you many more, and look forward to them all.

diprinzio 03-15-2002 03:10 PM

Hi Catherine,

I read your poems in Poetry's February edition. Very good work.


[This message has been edited by diprinzio (edited March 15, 2002).]

Catherine Tufariello 03-15-2002 06:37 PM

I hesitated about whether to post here again. Would I seem to be fishing for even more lovely compliments? But I feel I must say that there can be few greater pleasures for a poet than this: to know that her own poems are appreciated by another poet whose work she loves and admires, and which has served as an inspiration. So Rhina, mille grazie. (And bless you for buying the book.)

Greg, hello! And thanks.

Okay, I'll stop now.

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