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RCL 06-24-2023 11:31 AM

Breaking News

Poor tree died of lonliness.

Jim Moonan 06-28-2023 12:11 PM

I agree Ralph.

A book that turned me on to the intelligence of trees was “The Hidden Life of Trees”. It was also made into a documentary. Here's the trailer.

Meanwhile… They paved paradise, put up a parking lot.


Jayne Osborn 06-29-2023 09:54 AM

Ah... trees, lovely trees!
A book I really wanted (but at £25 I couldn't afford/justify at the time) was the first thing I bought with the winnings from my first-ever published poem. It was in Literary Review (UK) in December 1996.

The book was called "Meetings with Remarkable Trees" by Thomas Pakenham.

My prize was book tokens for £75 from Dillons (later taken over by Waterstones), but that week they had a special offer on, and my husband, our daughter and I all came staggering out of the store with bags full of 150 pounds' worth of books, ...without us parting with any money. I was in 7th heaven!

I also have seven paintings of trees in my house; I love them all.


RCL 06-29-2023 01:28 PM

Jim and Jayne,

Thanks for the tree book references. I’ve recently devoured: Richard Higgins, Thoreau and the Language of Trees.

I’m some kind of nut about trees and their resemblance to inverted humans (parallels in our natural references to crowns, trunks, limbs, etc.). Our hair is our roots sustained by oxygenated sky? My first book, Ghost Trees, includes “The Tree’s Tale” that “proves” it.

A Heartfelt Ditty

Researchers discover trees have a "heartbeat."
It’s just so slow we’ve never noticed it before.

The beating hearts of trees
pulse slowly from their roots
to pump the juice of life
through branches, leaves and fruits.

As the hearts of trees
beat silently in sleep,
trees dream of sun and rain,
and seasons that they keep.

Their beating hearts make trees
vital from their birth,
breathing through the seasons
for all that breathe on earth.

Jayne Osborn 06-29-2023 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by RCL (Post 490351)
I’m some kind of nut about trees...

Haha. I love that, Ralph. You and me both! :D


Julie Steiner 07-01-2023 08:50 PM

Are you aware of Dame Judi Dench's 2017 documentary My Passion for Trees? Various pirated clips are available online, but here's an authorized snippet:
You might also look for it on streaming services like Netflix. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Jim Moonan 07-07-2023 05:13 AM

Thanks for this thread, Ralph. The references it is garnering are fantastic! I hope they keep growing...

Trees are the sentinels of our lives.


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