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Julie Steiner 02-21-2017 06:14 PM

Comps, opportunities, etc.
Below are some competitions and other opportunities with no or modest entry fees.

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Deadline 26th March 2017, no entry fee, no monetary prize

In case people missed it, Rogerbob posted an announcement over at General Announcements about Emma Press's anthology celebrating "the customs, rituals, and festivals which take place in Britain."

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Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest
Deadline: 1st April 2017 of course
Entry fee: none
Prizes: We'll award $2,250 in prizes, including a top prize of $1,000. Winners are published on our website.

Happy New Year! Our 16th annual Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest welcomes your entry through April 1. There's no fee to enter. Jendi Reiter will judge, assisted by Lauren Singer.

This contest welcomes published and unpublished work. Your poem may have up to 250 lines. One poem only, please. Submit online via Submittable.

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The deadlines for the following have now passed:

Poets & Players Poetry Competition 2017
Deadline: 27th February 2017
1st Prize: £500 2nd Prize: £200 3rd Prize: £100; must show up to collect, apparently
Entry Fee: £4 for one poem or £10 for three poems

The judge, Michael Symmons Roberts will read all entries. Commended poets at the judge’s discretion. Poems can be on any subject, in any style or form. Maximum line length for individual poems is 40 lines. Winners will be informed by Friday 7 April 2017 and will be invited to read alongside Michael Symmons Roberts at a launch ceremony on the afternoon of 22 April 2017 at the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester where they will also receive their prize. For rules and details of postal and online entry see

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York Literature Festival / YorkMix Poetry Competition 2017
Deadline: 28th February 2017
Prizes: The first prize is £500, with a runner-up award of £125, and a third prize of £75. The York Prize (£50) will be awarded to an excellent poem from an entrant with a York postcode.
Entry Fee: "Entry £5 for a single poem. For an entry fee of £10, poets may submit two or three poems. You can enter up to ten poems on one entry form. Poets may enter as many poems as they wish." Well, that's confusing.

Poems must not be longer than 40 lines of text, and must fit on a single A4 page. Poems must be submitted via the official form on the online entry page. Poems will be judged by Anthony Dunn: “I’ve no bias at all as to rhyme or form, but both can be trip-hazards.Whatever their subject, subtext and substance, I want the submissions to be infectious – with the sheer delight of words and sounds and white space combining to become poems.”

For competition rules see Online entry form:

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Nature and Place Poetry Competition
Deadline: midnight on 1st March 2017
Prizes 1st PRIZE £1000 2nd PRIZE £500 3rd PRIZE A Place on a Creative Writing Course at Ty Newydd in 2017 (worth £550)
The entry fee is £6 for the first poem and £3.50 for each subsequent entry.

Poems are invited that deal with any aspect of nature and place and will be given a very wide interpretation by our judge, Kathleen Jamie.
Not only that, this year RSPB and The Rialto are additionally working with BirdLife International and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative. There’s a new prize on offer and prizewinners will be invited to read their poems at an event with Kathleen Jamie at CCI in Spring 2017.

As well as offering poets the chance to win considerable cash prizes and publication of their poems, the competition will raise money for conservation and poetry. We are working in partnership with leading independent UK poetry magazine, The Rialto, as we feel the magazine will be the perfect place to showcase the winning entries.

Full details and the facility to enter online can be found on The Rialto website:

Ann Drysdale 02-22-2017 12:18 AM

Thank you so much for this Julie. I've downloaded entry forms for a couple of these. I did have a bit of a wtf at the York details but if you take it slowly, it does make sense. You can send as many as you like but ten-at-a-time, and if you've only got two, you have to pay the three-rate but since it's the same as two ones, you might as well send your two good ones and throw in a wild card, 'cos its effectively free. Innit.

Most importantly, this effort on your part is greatly appreciated. Thanks, friend.

John Whitworth 02-23-2017 12:46 AM

There are LOTS of Competitions which are fairly cheap to enter. IMO the best place to find them is at The Poetry Kit. I always use it myself. And I still win sometimes, aged though I be.

Ann Drysdale 02-23-2017 01:42 AM

Indeed, John. But I find it's no substitute for having a hand-picked selection laid out in a place one visits on an almost daily basis.

Ann Drysdale 03-11-2017 01:23 AM

Now, here's a thing...
An opportunity?

[Edited by Julie Steiner to indicate that the deadline has now passed.]

Julie Steiner 03-12-2017 07:39 PM

Thanks, Ann. Interested parties might want to take note of the venue in which the first-prize winners will be published, as that venue was discussed recently in another thread, here. Some people will care about that and some won't. The prize money will be green either way.

Here's a link to the Poetry Kit's Competition page, aforementioned by John.

Ann Drysdale 03-13-2017 01:52 AM

Well moved, Julie - and well commented, too.

It was while wandering agog on that other thread that I spotted this and assumed that anyone who read my post had noted the venue and passed, like horsemen, by.

Susan McLean 03-28-2017 10:11 PM

Rondeau Redoublé Contest
This is short notice, but I just heard about the contest below, sponsored by Allison Joseph at the Rondeau Roundup. So if anyone has a Rondeau Redoublé hanging about in a drawer, you might want to enter it (see rules below).


The Learning to Cope Poetry Prize Seeks Entries
Relaunching the Rondeau Roundup Blog with the Learning to Cope Poetry Prize!

The Rondeau Roundup blog is having a contest for the best poem in the Rondeau Redouble form! Our inspiration is the classic poem in the form by Wendy Cope:

Deadline: submitted by April 3, 2017.

Contest Rules:

Only one rondeau redouble may be submitted per person. No entry fee. Top five poems will be published on the blog ( The first place rondeau redouble will also receive a $100 gift card from Barnes and Noble.

For this contest, I'm looking for rondeau redoubles that follow the set rhyme scheme, as given at

Examples of the form:

No other poetic form will be accepted for this contest.

Rondeau Redoubles inspired by themes found in the poems of Wendy Cope particularly welcome.

To enter, send a single rondeau redouble

rondeauroundupATgmailDOTcom (replace AT with @) by April 3, 2017.

Winners will be announced on the Rondeau Roundup Blog on April 15, 2017

[Edited by Julie Steiner to indicate that the deadline has now passed.]

Julie Steiner 03-29-2017 12:03 AM

Thank you, Susan! I'll start asking my problem-child pantoums if one of them wants to be one of these when it grows up. I enjoyed the example poems very much.

Roger Slater 04-05-2017 09:04 AM

I just found out about a site that lists lots of comps and things. Cathy's Comps and Calls.

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