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ross hamilton hill 04-09-2015 01:53 AM

Alice Paintings

This is a YouTube slide show I put together some years ago, forgive the lame guitar work. 'The Alice' is local slang ofr Alice Springs, the mainly aboriginial town in the center of Australia. Two of the paintings have already appeared on this forum. I'm posting this because I don't seem to be able to post newer works in a large enough size.

Michael Cantor 04-09-2015 10:10 AM

Ross - this is nothing but a vanity post. It's the equivalent of somebody putting up a published chapbook on the Poetry Boards and saying "Look at me, look at me, admire my work." We don't pull that in Poetry (although sometimes some try), and we shouldn't do it in Art either. If you don't have anything to post, there is no rule that says you have to post something just to be a presence.

(A second reason I make a fuss about this is that if the Art site turns into a vanity Board, we start attracting sandbox vanity posters. And it's only a matter of time before they decide, "Oh, wow, I can be a poet also" and start posting beginner's drivel on the poetry Boards. It's happened.)

ross hamilton hill 04-09-2015 01:26 PM

Michael, you are such a control freak.

Michael Cantor 04-09-2015 03:41 PM

Possibly, Ross, but the reason we have these rules and guidelines is to prevent the self-involved from turning the Sphere into one more, "Thank you for posting your lovely poem/painting/recipe/essay," smooch-site. And if somebody didn't speak up occasionally (as opposed to rolling their eyes, but not saying anything) that's what would happen.

ross hamilton hill 04-09-2015 04:19 PM

Michael, what rule or guideline makes my post inadmissable, it is my work, it has been seen by 35 people on YouTube, half of those hits would be me. It is all my own work, so what in your opinion makes it any different from any other work of art posted here. YouTube is to my knowledge the only way you can create a link to Erato for works that combine sond and image. There may be others but I don't know of them.
Many people post work that has appeared on other forums, many, yourself included, post work that was created years ago.
I am interested in criticism, I respond to all critiques of my work and I participate fully in critiqueing other people's work.
In other words I am an active member of Eratophere, if you have a problem with that then I suggest that problem is all of your own making.
Sharon is the moderator, it is her decision as to what remains posted, it is discourteous to her that you feel compelled to adopt her role as if she is incompetent or as if the whole thing is so vital, such a calamity that you have to take control. You have not said a single thing about the work in question, you just, for no clear reason, resent the fact that I have posted it and assume I am being vain by doing so. That's insulting and unjustified.

Michael Cantor 04-09-2015 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by ross hamilton hill (Post 344437)
Michael, what rule or guideline makes my post inadmissable, it is my work, it has been seen by 35 people on YouTube, half of those hits would be me.

The rule that limits you to one piece of work at a time. This is the equivalent of posting about seventeen poems. If somebody did that on the poetry boards it would be bounced at once. If you had posted a single piece - or even two - I wouldn't have said anything. But you're putting up an entire show/chapbook. That's not workshopping. It's taking advantage of people, and I call it a vanity post. Do you expect somebody to go through each piece, commenting? Or only a few? Does that mean that I can post seventeen old poems (believe me, I have many that have been seen by less than 35 people) and ask people to comment on whichever they please? The purpose of these rules and guidelines is to make sure we all get equal time and opportunity.


Sharon is the moderator, it is her decision as to what remains posted, it is discourteous to her that you feel compelled to adopt her role as if she is incompetent or as if the whole thing is so vital, such a calamity that you have to take control.
I am expressing an opinion. I have every right to do that. It takes place regularly on all Boards.


You have not said a single thing about the work in question
First - I'm not going to comment because of the reasons I have already explained. Do you seriously think that I'm going to complain that you shouldn't have put up all those drawings at one time - and then take the time to comment on them? Do you think that sounds ever so slightly self-involved? Secondly - believe me - I don't believe that my comments would help our relationship.

Sharon Passmore 04-09-2015 06:14 PM

Honestly, Gentlemen!

Michael, even though you are correct about the "one piece at a time rule" we have not really been so strict about it here due to the sleepy nature of this board. I do see your point, but it's for me to correct breaches of protocol. Give me a chance to see things before you whip out the sledgehammer, OK? If there's a problem I would prefer to speak with a person in private IM not publicly.

Ross, let's just take Michael's point into consideration for a minute. There is some validity to his point. This is a critical forum. What did you want critique on here? Not on each and every image, surely? I will be back to critique the video itself as a work and I won't be wearing kid gloves.

Now both of you - calling people "control freak" and "self-involved" is in violation of the ad hominem rule. This is entirely unacceptable and I won't stand for it.

I feel the best way to prevent the dreaded "vanity board" situation is to give brutally honest critiques. No one wants a vanity board. You can get that type of worthless feedback from your family. I ask everyone in the Art forum to give worthwhile critiques for the health of the board, please. That's how the poetry boards got to be so great and world class. This is also the best way to send the message "No smoochies here."

Cinema is an art form. Let's critique this as a single piece, a video. How are the Image, time, motion, sound, cuts, lighting, sequence, editing and composition? Is it engaging? Is it as engaging as all this fur flying?

ross hamilton hill 04-09-2015 06:45 PM

Thanks Sharon and I'm sorry I got so upset and spoke out of line.
Of course I want it critiqued as a slide show, the music is intrinsic to the piece, it sets the mood, to pause and look at each painting seperately would defeat the whole purpose of the form.

Roger Slater 04-09-2015 07:06 PM

All this controversy caused me to look at the slide show. I don't pretend to be an art critic, and I don't mean to be snarky, but in all sincerity these strike me as the sort of pictures that a child brings home from art class in the fourth grade. Some of them may be displayed on the refrigerator for a week or two, but only the most sentimental parent would preserve them much longer. Again, I'm speaking outside of my expertise here, but if I'm wrong then I'm afraid I've foolishly disposed of quite a few of my son's masterpieces. Maybe I'm missing something, but I am not trying to be funny. I'm just not seeing anything beyond colorful doodles.

ross hamilton hill 04-09-2015 08:22 PM

Roger you might want to look at my representational works, 'imagined seascape' on page 2 of the list of works is one of my best. You might also like to read some of the comments about my work here, I have posted about 7 items. Most comments are appreciative but I don't expect to thrill everyone.

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