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Tim Murphy 10-22-2002 10:31 AM

When we were discussing Yeats' "When You Are Old," over at Mastery, Terese penned a very beautiful translation of the Ronsard original. It was altogether fresh, with none of the inverted floweriness of the received turn-of-the-century version. I wrote Bill Baer about it, and he has accepted it, along with an original poem by Ms. Coe. Yay Terese! Erato rules.

Roger Slater 10-22-2002 11:41 AM

Great news! I remember reading and admiring the translation. Terese, have any of us seen the original poem yet? Please start dishing at once. Heartiest congratulations!

David Anthony 10-22-2002 11:49 AM

Yes, I remember that one; it was very fine.
Pleasing to see good work getting proper recognition.

Pua Sandabar 10-22-2002 01:56 PM

Terese? Hey!

Any chance of pasting your poem right here in the thread?
I missed it.

Ohhh. Never mind.
Ha! You know me.
I'm much too curious and impatient.
Off to do a search.

Once again, hooray!


[This message has been edited by Pua Sandabar (edited October 22, 2002).]

Clive Watkins 10-22-2002 02:02 PM

Dear Terese

This is splendid news! You have every right to feel pleased. Well done!

Clive Watkins

Roger Slater 10-22-2002 02:27 PM

Here's the link to where Terese posted a draft of her Ronsard poem, just a few weeks ago. I don't know if she's changed it since she posted this draft, but here it is. It seems that Erato gave T the impetus to write this poem, so that's another thing to praise Erato for:

Carol Taylor 10-22-2002 02:31 PM

I missed that thread altogether! What a beautiful translation, Terese! Congratulations.


Terese Coe 10-23-2002 07:30 AM

Tim. Thank you again for the generous nudges, and as well for your very kind thoughts and wishes here! If not for that thread at Erato, I'd never have tried translating the Ronsard; even so, I might never have thought of sending it to The Formalist; and even so, it might very well never have been noticed but for you. Yet another set of multifaceted encomia for Eratosphere, the delightful and farsighted Alex Pepple, and the impassioned watchful poet-scout himself, yourself!

Roger. Thank you, and for the link as well. Yes, there were a few tweaks to the poem after that, a few words here and there, nothing too major. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to post the new version here at this point: I'd need professional advice on that! Perhaps someone could let me know.

David, Pua, Clive, and Carol. Your kind thoughts are much appreciated, and Pua see above re posting. Thank you all. The original poem The Formalist accepted is "In the Lee of the Disaster," about which I'm gratified as well, as it is, of course, strictly about 9-11 (and, by extension, its watershed impact on both this neighborhood and the world). As I've said before, the closer you were to that outrage, the more deeply it affected you.


Anthony Lombardy 10-23-2002 08:56 AM

This is great news and richly deserved! I remember the Ronsard translation well. Congratulations!


wendy v 10-23-2002 09:52 AM

Terese, this is wonderful !

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