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Anthony Lombardy 03-28-2002 01:01 PM

Dear colleagues,
I was recently delighted to learn that The Hudson Review has taken "Coffee," the first time I've placed a poem there. The poem probably won't appear for a while, but I didn't want to wait for its publication to say that I owe a big thanks to everyone here for your astute and generous criticism, which was so helpful to me in improving the poem! I deeply appreciate your help and encouragement.


Michael Juster 03-29-2002 05:22 AM

Tony: Congrats!!! It's a wonderful credit--the only journal i subscribe to that won't touch my stuff!

Anthony Lombardy 03-29-2002 07:34 AM

Thanks, Mike!

Tim Murphy 03-29-2002 08:06 AM

I congratulate Tony and commiserate with Mike. I publish frequently in THR, but most everything they take is rewrites of failed poems I wrote in my twenties!!! Grrr.

Richard Wakefield 03-29-2002 08:33 AM

Tony: Wonderful news! So far the only response I've had from them, besides form-letter rejections, was a bill for fumigating their editorial offices...

Anthony Lombardy 03-29-2002 10:37 AM

Thanks, Tim and Richard! It's certainly true for me that even when I've been standing out in the rain all afternoon, the lightning usually doesn't strike.

Clive Watkins 03-30-2002 12:19 PM


Clive Watkins

Alex Pepple 03-30-2002 12:46 PM

Congratulations, Tony! That's a great publication credit.


Robt_Ward 03-30-2002 01:52 PM

Way to go, Tony! It doesn't get much sweeter than that...


Anthony Lombardy 03-30-2002 07:26 PM

Clive, Alex, Robert, I appreciate the good words. The Sphere has been a real help and stimulus to me as I've tried to "get back in the game."


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