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Erik Olson 08-28-2015 12:05 PM

My Poetry Website
I thought I might put it out in General Talk that I have now a poetry website with my own work there. Not that I expect big splashes and high traffic on account, but I'd be glad with the slightest ripple. I thought I'd make it available for any in case any happen to be curious.

Michael Cantor 08-28-2015 01:27 PM

Whoops - double posted. (Always helps to make a good impression up front.)

Michael Cantor 08-28-2015 01:35 PM

Sorry to be Uncle Grumbly, Erik, but I think something should be said (and I suspect some may have the gall - the unmitigated gall - to disagree with me.). Almost everybody who participates on the Sphere has a web site of some sort with their own work on it. And virtually nobody links to it on General Talk. The reason is that GT would soon become a vanity site. People would post their links, and others would applaud. That's not why the Sphere exists.

We have a prohibition against posting your own poetry on GT. I don't know if that officially includes links to a page as well, but my feeling is that it should. (I have no problem with individuals linking to a specific poem of theirs as part of a broader GT discussion.)

We do have a "brag" site called Accomplished Members where members or colleagues list publications, and my feeling is that info on a new site would fit better there. It is also possible to add the site to your Members Profile - as I see you have already done - so that interested parties can find it that way.

Michael Juster 08-28-2015 01:41 PM

You misspelled "sore."

James Brancheau 08-28-2015 03:35 PM

I dunno. There's a lot of self promotion going on, and this is general talk. He was pretty polite about it... Give him a little space.

john savoie 08-28-2015 04:25 PM

Not sure how this ended in a mean dig at First Things. They've never published me, but I greatly admire the journal. Opinions vary.

Gail White 08-28-2015 04:50 PM

John, a number of people on the Sphere vowed they would never contribute to First Things again after FT printed a couple of strongly anti-gay articles last year.
Although I dislike their editorial stance on most things, I continue to submit work because they now pay $100 a page, and Paul Lake is a great editor.

Roger Slater 08-28-2015 05:01 PM

What does First Things have to do with the subject of this thread though?

Gail, is that $100 a poem, or only if the poem fills the page? Not that it matters, I guess, since for me it is a matter of conscience not to publish there, which means they would have to pay at least $200 per poem before I was willing to change my mind.

I thought Paul was a good editor as well when he took a translation of mine. He accepted it within a day of submission, didn't change a word or a comma, and published it within a couple of months.

I see no reason Erik shouldn't be allowed to tell us about his website. I know it's on his profile, but I didn't look at his profile (since most profiles have very little information) and I only glanced at his site because of the announcement. Michael, do you have a site? You must, but I don't think I ever thought about it or visited. Maybe you should announce it!

Bill Carpenter 08-28-2015 05:31 PM

Hi Erik,
Glad to get a look at your site. I watched the '91 fire from the porch of my apartment in the flatlands. It was pitiful how the hills looked even after rebuilding.

I couldn't tell if you wrote the Pope-Stevens article.

Good of you to post epigrams -- that is a good way to draw eyeballs, since the reader expects something in return for a very small investment in time.

Most of what I saw could benefit from workshopping to remove even minor glitches. Consider it, and welcome.

R. Nemo Hill 08-28-2015 06:24 PM

Michael is correct in that general protocol on the Sphere would be to post an announcement like this either on Accomplished Members, or General Announcements. It is not a discussion topic, but rather an announcement of accomplishments. Keeping the boards somewhat separate in nature seems the whole point of having them divided to begin with, no?


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