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Unread 08-17-2022, 01:58 PM
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Sarah-Jane Crowson Sarah-Jane Crowson is offline
Join Date: Oct 2018
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Thanks Jim and Jayne and Christine,

I am glad you like these too! I am loathe to deconstruct why I am drawn to them (also it's one of those artworks where the artist statement says it for me, without using 'artspeak').

Christine, it might be worth speaking to a local photographer. Other photographers capture similar things, just in their own style, and can often be cheaper and appreciative of the commission, particularly if they're just out of college. Show them the work you like, and ask if/how that might translate to their work/ the place you live in. In my head I always think of art commmissions being like showing a hairdresser pictures of haircuts & asking how that translates to their skills/aesthetics/place.

Jim, your thoughts about children are so interesting, and I like how in your story the children are wise and witty, not subject to that external sense of 'naive', which always feels like a kind of false value-judgment to me (although I know little of child psychology).

I love the poem, too. Your words, drawn in ink on an empty sky in the patterns of birds/murmurations would make a wonderful visual poem.

One day? Collaboration? Maybe in the New Year, which I know sounds ridiculously long time-line but I'm gearing up to be back at work in September.

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