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Unread 09-06-2022, 02:22 PM
Alexander Givental Alexander Givental is offline
Join Date: Feb 2022
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Posts: 241

Originally Posted by Sarah-Jane Crowson View Post
Oh, I LOVE these kinds of puzzles.

I'd say 'none'. You are holding the iphone and looking in the mirror and the installation. You will see a representation of the iphone, not the phone itself.

(I also usually get them wrong. I still love them though)


(I've just read the thread more carefully - I was in a rush before - and now realise that you don't want the representation answer. I guess then it depends what you are focussing on. Are you holding up the iphone in front of you and deliberately looking for reflections?)

Of course, I didn't mean any tricky interpretation of the question. If you wish, I can be more accurate and ask: what's the maximal number of images of an object (including the object itself) which one can see in a room whose 2 adjacent perpendicular (and straight) walls and the floor are made of mirrors?
And I understand that you like such puzzles for their own sake, but I can assure you that I wouldn't post this into a poetry forum if the situation was not perfectly illustrated by these poems.

Last edited by Alexander Givental; 09-07-2022 at 12:25 AM.
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