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Unread 10-14-2002, 06:26 AM
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Kate Benedict Kate Benedict is offline
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: New York, NY, USA
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The following intriguing fun exercise is suggested by Victoria Gaile:

Many times in critiques, we see suggestions to "try this in a different form". Some have commented that they routinely try the same piece in several different forms as they draft and revise.

This sounds like very good practice, but it is not something that we generally get to see demonstrated when reading poetry. So let's have some examples!

The challenge: post the same poem in at least two different forms.

The rest of the exercise: talk about which form is best, and why - both your poem and others.


This is a challenge! Choose any approach you like, a serious approach, in which, say, you explore a theme in sonnet form and then free verse; or a lighter approach, on a lighter theme, written first in haiku, say, then in rhymed quatrains. The variables are endless.

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