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Unread 02-19-2012, 05:14 PM
Brendan Beary Brendan Beary is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 37

I'd not signed on for about 3 years, encouraged back by a member whom I met at a different site.
As an occasional (and generally unsuccessful) U.S. submitter to Spectator, I am always uncertain on matters of knowing one's audience and striking the proper tone with entries. (And I say this with full knowledge that we in the U.S. have more than our share of pecksniffian peculiarities. The recent contest for a reply to Larkin's 'fuck you up' poem, for instance, would never have seen the light of day with something such as the Washington Post contests.)
My question, then: Is 'tossers' considered too coarse for use in The Spectator? I wouldn't want to include a term that would be practically an automatic disqualifier, particularly when there's any number of 2-syllable deprecations that could stand in just as easily.
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