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Unread 04-28-2012, 03:45 PM
David Rosenthal David Rosenthal is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Berkeley, CA, USA
Posts: 3,140


I have no insight into a Dallas gathering, but I can somewhat commiserate. There are a million regular readings in the Bay Area, but outside of some hip-hop/slam things, there is nothing focused on formal poetry. When I have read at opens, the reaction is generally warm, but there aren't usually many others reading metered stuff. So I decided to start my own monthly series focusing on form -- there is a current thread about it over in GA. Anyway, my girls are teenagers now, and am getting better at containing my 12 hour days, so it is something I can do. Also, I have a friend with a good space.

So starting something up -- even just a poetry circle or something -- sounds like a great idea. The more such things we all do all over the place, the better, I say. I wish you luck, and I'll PM you if I'm ever in Dallas so I know where to bring meter to read.


David R.
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