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Unread 10-20-2002, 09:52 AM
Len Krisak Len Krisak is offline
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 537

Notes from aboveground for members
who may be too shy to blow their own

To no one's surprise, Rhina Espaillat
has won this year's Barbara Bradley Prize
(of the New England Poetry Club) for best
poem by a woman. It's a great poem, and I
ought to know because I was the judge.
(Blind competition, I hasten to add!)

Deborah Warren has just had her first book
manuscript accepted at Waywiser Press, the
publishers of Tim Murphy's work. Because
this is her first book, I think we should
all give her an extra round of applause.

Meantime, brace yourselves: Deborah has ALSO
just won the 2002 Robert Frost Prize in Poetry,
and will be reading in Lawrence, Mass. at the
festivities on, I believe, October 26.

In that same Frost contest, our own Robert
Crawford (a long-time Powow) was a finalist.

Utterly shameless self-advertisement division:
My Book I of Ovid's Ars Amatoria will be coming
out (all 772 lines of the damned thing. grrrr!)
in an issue of PN Review soon. They're threatening
to publish Books II and III (the whole work) in
future issues.

Also, three of my translations of Horace coming
out next year in the Hudson Review.

There...that ought to do it for a while.
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