
Katharine Coles

Katharine Coles’ fourth collection of poems, Fault, came out from Red Hen Press in June of 2008.

The Measurable World (Western Literature Series)

Abandoned by her father as a child, botanist Grace Stern increasingly begins to turn from the disheartening world of human emotion to the more comforting world of her plants. After the murder of her estranged husband, Grace's father arrives unexpectedly seeking a reconciliation with his daughter.

cover of The Measurable World (Western Literature Series)author: Katharine Coles
ASIN or ISBN-10: 087417273X
binding: Hardcover
list price: $23.00 USD
amazon price: $15.96 USD

A History Of The Garden: Poems (Western Literature Series)

The poems in this collection cover themes such as friendship, family, travel, the western landscape, and ultimately, the love of the world of knowledge, fact and mystery, and relationships.

cover of A History Of The Garden: Poems (Western Literature Series)author: Katharine Coles
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0874172985
binding: Paperback
list price: $12.00 USD
amazon price: $12.00

The Golden Years Of The Fourth Dimension: Poems (Western Literature Series)

The Golden Years of the Fourth Dimension is the third poetry volume of Katharine Coles, whose work always exciting, has grown with each collection. Her poetry is erotic at the same time it is scientific, and seductively accessible while it is intellectually challenging. The variety and high intelligence of these poems will entertain and gratify while tweaking the reader's interest in the richness of the history Coles so skillfully weaves into her poetic tapestry. Love, the natural world, sensuality, and ideas intertwine irresistibly in this fine collection.

cover of The Golden Years Of The Fourth Dimension: Poems (Western Literature Series)author: Katharine Coles
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0874174805
binding: Paperback
list price: $12.00 USD
amazon price: $12.00


In Fault, Katharine Coles continues to explore her abiding interest in the intersections of science, culture, and history, but the book is perhaps best described as an extended meditation on love.   Ranging across time and continents, Coles addresses such figures as Newton, Kepler, and Vesalius, not only with intellectual rigor but also with a humor, intimacy, and buoyant optimism that render her subjects—the figures and the science—accessible within the capacious intellectual, emotional, and physical landscapes of the poems.

cover of Faultauthor: Katharine Coles
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1597093904
binding: Paperback
list price: $18.95 USD
amazon price: $12.91 USD

Winter Stand

Winter Stand

Juleigh Howard-Hobson

Juleigh Howard-Hobson's work has appeared in The Lyric, Qarrtsiluni, The Raintown Review, The Barefoot Muse, Candelabrum, !4 by 14, Soundzine, Umbrella . . . and many other places, both in print and in cyberprint. She lives in the Pacific North West, where autumn comes, every year, with cold rain. She plans on never leaving.

Boy at Play

Boy at Play

Jonathan H. Scott

Jonathan H. Scott’s poetry and short-stories have been published (or are upcoming) in Aura Literary Arts Review, Blood and Thunder, The Broome Review, Caesura, Measure, The Sugar House Review, The White Pelican Review, and others.  He earned a Master’s in Creative Writing from the University of Alabama, Birmingham.

Girl at a Keyboard

Girl at a Keyboard

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