
John Van Doren

John Van Doren, now 81 and still more or less upright, has been writing poems since he was 50, which means for 30 years, about.  Before that, and in fact over some of the same interval, he was a university teacher of English and a fellow of the Institute for Philosophical Research in Chicago.  He has not often tried for publication, but some things he has sent out have been kindly accepted, as by Prophetic Voices, Tapestries, Jewish Currents, The Lyric, The Kentucky Poetry Review, The Willow Revi

Villanelle of His Poem’s Penury

Villanelle of His Poem’s Penury

                                 after Ernest Dowson

The Tangled Braid: Ninety-Nine Poems by Hafiz of Shiraz

A unique collaboration between a Cistercian monk and a scholar of Islamic translation, this volume offers fresh and distinctive interpretations of works by the spiritual Sufi poet, Hafiz of Shiraz. Combining scholarly precision with keen sensitivity to the mystic contours of the Persian originals, these esoteric verses are rendered into English without forfeiting the artistry or accuracy of the original intent. Knitting together aesthetics and erudition, each poem seeks to be intellectually stimulating and spiritually invigorating.

cover of The Tangled Braid: Ninety-Nine Poems by Hafiz of Shirazauthor: Hafiz
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1891785427
binding: Paperback
list price: $16.95 USD
amazon price: $15.36 USD

John Slater

John Slater is a Cistercian monk in upstate New York where he cares for the sick and tends a quasi-Japanese garden. His poems and translations have appeared in various journals including PN Review, Canadian Literature and Crab Orchard Review. The Tangled Braid: Ninety-Nine Poems by Hafiz of Shiraz, which he co-translated with Jeffrey Einboden, was recently published by Fons Vitae.

The Quiet Ones

The Quiet Ones

John Manesis

John Manesis is a retired physician whose poetry has appeared in over fifty literary publications, including Wisconsin Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Zone 3, The Lyric, and Measure. His first poetry book, With All My Breath, was published in 2003 and his second, Other Candle Lights, was published in 2008.

Other Candle Lights

John Manesis explores memory in Other Candle Lights, including many themes related to his Greek American heritage and medical career. The poetry features a range of characters, from the well known, like Elia Kazan and George Vizyenos, to every day people whose voices speak to us. Many of the poems examine the island lore of his ancestors, immigrants departures and returns, and their American experience.

cover of Other Candle Lightsauthor: John Manesis
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1592321275
binding: Paperback
list price: $15.00 USD
amazon price: $15.00

With All My Breath (Selected Poems)

His(John Manesis_ poetry comes withing the deepest roots, With his succint craftsmanship, a reader is immediately brought into this world of displaced people.

cover of With All My Breath (Selected Poems)author: John Manesis
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0966044975
binding: Paperback



            “Most things may never happen; this one will”—Philip Larkin


Jeff Holt

Jeff Holt is a Licensed Professional Counselor who lives in Plano, TX with his wife, Sarena, and their lovely twin daughters, Julia and Allison.  He has published poems in numerous online and print publications including Able Muse Anthology, ed. Alexander Pepple, (Able Muse Press, 2010), A Mind Apart: Poems of Melancholy, Madness and Addiction, ed.

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