
Lazarus Trick

Lazarus Trick

Meditation on Miracles, Superfresh

Meditation on Miracles, Superfresh

Barbara Westwood Diehl

Barbara Westwood Diehl is founding editor of the Baltimore Review and a Master of Arts in Writing student at Johns Hopkins University. She works for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Chanced Into

Chanced Into

By the River Wensum

By the River Wensum

The Captain's Swallow

Mainly set on Sicily's Aeolina Islands, these poems exhibit rich and exhilarating new dimensions in the work of an accomplished poet. As well as referencing current global events and exhibiting an historical reach back through Saracen pirates to the Greeks and beyond, this collection demonstrates the author's exceptional range of themes and moods with wit and technical dexterity. Encompassing warmth, humor, and poignant lyricism, and full of vivid people and places, these poems bring to life universal themes within a distinctive world.

cover of The Captain's Swallowauthor: Andrew Waterman
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1857548868
binding: Paperback
list price: $15.95 USD
amazon price: $9.13 USD

Andrew Waterman: Collected Poems: 1959-1999 (Poetry Pleiade)

In Collected Poems the poet has selected and revised all the poems he wishes to preserve from his previous books, and he has added others, formerly uncollected, as well as a wealth of recent work.

cover of Andrew Waterman: Collected Poems: 1959-1999 (Poetry Pleiade)author: Andrew Waterman
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1857544099
binding: Paperback
list price: $29.95 USD
amazon price: $20.64 USD



Richard Schiffman

Richard Schiffman is a writer based in New York, and a former journalist for National Public Radio. He is the author of two biographies. His work has appeared, or is upcoming in Poetry East, Potomac Review, Southern Poetry Review, 32 Poems, Rosebud, Valparaiso Poetry Review and many other journals.

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