When the Universe tries to know itself, it sends round a billion and a dozen of life-hungry couriers with just three things to do: to taste, to touch and to experience. Sensorizm and ever-lasting thirst for everything new and unknown are two perfect guides in this short trip, the purpose of which is to enjoy life in its very bloom.
Natalia S. Mavlevich: “It seems to me that translation is an image thinking process."
Posted 04-16-2010 at 08:13 AM by Helen Agaf
Natalia S. Mavlevich, translator of prose and poetry (French – Russian).
“It seems to me that translation is an image thinking process. Once Averintsev* (Sergey S. Averintsev, famous Russian philologist) noticed: our profession is based on a similar triangles principle, i.e. we must provide the adequacy of associations. The most important thing in translation - its very core - is a degree of freedom and accuracy.
Present-day translators live in a world without blinkers, farfetched problems or relieving routine. They have a choice, they are free – and that’s most important.”
“It seems to me that translation is an image thinking process. Once Averintsev* (Sergey S. Averintsev, famous Russian philologist) noticed: our profession is based on a similar triangles principle, i.e. we must provide the adequacy of associations. The most important thing in translation - its very core - is a degree of freedom and accuracy.
Present-day translators live in a world without blinkers, farfetched problems or relieving routine. They have a choice, they are free – and that’s most important.”

Tags: mem, translators, wisdom, workshop
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