When the Universe tries to know itself, it sends round a billion and a dozen of life-hungry couriers with just three things to do: to taste, to touch and to experience. Sensorizm and ever-lasting thirst for everything new and unknown are two perfect guides in this short trip, the purpose of which is to enjoy life in its very bloom.
Observation: a very good poet can be a very poor reciter of his own poetry...
Posted 04-26-2010 at 08:38 AM by Helen Agaf
Prince Sergey Volkonski about his home and well-known poets of his youth:
"Very often poets came to our place to recite their poetry. Alexey K. Tolstoy recited his best verses, as well as Yakov P. Polonski* – both were worst possible reciters. Apollon N. Maykov recited his “Three deaths”, “The two worlds” and many other poems. He was a quite brilliant reciter, with clear logical and strikingly artistic declamation."
*Yakov P. Polonski - Russian poet and prosaist. Many of his poems were set to music.
"Very often poets came to our place to recite their poetry. Alexey K. Tolstoy recited his best verses, as well as Yakov P. Polonski* – both were worst possible reciters. Apollon N. Maykov recited his “Three deaths”, “The two worlds” and many other poems. He was a quite brilliant reciter, with clear logical and strikingly artistic declamation."
*Yakov P. Polonski - Russian poet and prosaist. Many of his poems were set to music.

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