My Own Promise
Posted 06-03-2012 at 02:29 PM by Candis Brooks
I promised myself when I joined this site that I would take everything at face value, that I wouldn't become discouraged, and I wouldn't let anyone make me believe I'm not good enough. This is the pinky promise I made myself. I recieved a lot of negative comments, and I was made to feel like the poster child for all "novice" on this site. It was very discouraging. However, I also recieved several PMs that were very encouraging, and I was given some positive crit that I found helpful. So to those who were open to help I say thank you! I can't say it enough. I believe those of you who were encouraging are the reason I found the courage to submit to other publishers. Yesterday I recieved a letter in the mail saying that one of the pieces I submitted was being published in a book. The book is set to be released in August! I'm super excited. The irony is my piece is titled "Pinky Promise". So to the other "novice" here, I say: Keep your head up. Never quit and believe in yourself even if others do not. Your words are of value to someone, even if not to everyone! Best wishes to all.

Total Comments 2
Posted 06-03-2012 at 05:26 PM by Ed Shacklee -
I wouldn't let anyone make me believe I'm not good enough,
Well, Candis, if your attitude about workshopping here is that you are so good that negative crit is of no use to you, you are certainly in the wrong place. As both of your blog entries show, you are NOT good enough and I am not speaking of your person, but of your use of the English language, your attempts to write poetry. You do not, even in prose, make an effort to spell correctly or to create grammatically correct sentences.
You received negative crit on your verse because it was sub-standard. Exceptionally sub-standard. And you made no effort to improve it. That is not what workshopping is about.
This petulant entry doesn't tell us WHERE you have had a poem accepted, or under what conditions. Vanity presses abound.
Why set up an ill-spelled and self-serving ME-blog at a site where you do not seriously workshop, where you consider yourself already "good enough"?Posted 06-04-2012 at 03:22 AM by Janice D. Soderling