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Roger Slater 01-05-2018 01:39 PM

We're all pulling for you, Tim. May your path to full recovery not involve too much discomfort.

Susan McLean 01-05-2018 01:51 PM

It is good to hear that the cancer was caught at an early stage. I hope that that means that the surgery is relatively easy and the recovery quick and lasting.


Tim Murphy 01-05-2018 03:32 PM

Thanks to one and all. They just go down your throat and don't open you up, so it's noninvasive surgery. And I have a great model of courage in the face of cancer in Alan. In Sam too. My brother asked a good question, are you afraid of death? I am not. I'll just hand Peter a copy of Devotions and then have a jolly reunion with Alan.

Maryann Corbett 01-05-2018 03:41 PM

You will, Tim, but my prayers are that it will be a while yet before you do. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Terese Coe 01-05-2018 09:36 PM

I'm very sorry to hear the news, and happy for you it will not involve surgery, Tim. All courage and fast & easy healing to you!

Jan Iwaszkiewicz 01-05-2018 09:56 PM

Best wishes my friend. You are never far from my thoughts. What passes for prayer from me is ever yours.

Fond wishes


Bruce McBirney 01-06-2018 12:45 AM

Tim, prayers and best wishes for your full and quick recovery from this. I'm glad to hear they found it early.

Best, Bruce

Brian Allgar 01-06-2018 04:29 AM

My best wishes for a complete and swift recovery, Tim.

Tim Murphy 01-07-2018 09:29 AM

Thanks again to all for prayers and best wishes. Dr. Johnson stopped in for an hour Friday to view my 21 Charles Becks, hear a couple odes, and compare cognac to calvados. He wants me to go to the Mayo Clinic, where my brother sees a professor of gastroenterology for a precancerous lesion of his own. Here is yesterday's new prayer to Alan. Tim

Pathologist’s Report

We forded Baffinland’s bone-chilling streams
near an inukshuk marked le Cercle Arctique.
Wyoming’s Barnard was our loftiest peak,
I fished trout from Montana’s tarns and streams.

Past our horizon, Anegada Reef,
graveyard of inbound Spanish treasure ships,
grilled lobster buttery on my blistered lips,
decades of sailing never came to grief.

My life already boasts sufficient length,
high adventures in the mountainous West,
serious squalls at sea, a skipper’s test.
Cancer? Alan, look down, lend me your strength.

Max Goodman 01-07-2018 10:33 AM

I'm thinking of you, Tim. All best wishes.

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