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F.F. Teague 07-01-2021 02:07 PM

As there is no hunting tomorrow
1 Attachment(s)
...inspired by the sculpture by Zadok Ben-David on the Forest of Dean's sculpture trail:

Whee-hee! We're free! Partay, partay!
We saw the hunters leave today!
Tomorrow we shall skip and play
and roam the woods at ease; hooray!

Deer 1
Without default to mode of dread,
I move to whimsy-ways instead:
I stand, abandon cautious tread,
a bright blue fish upon my head!

Deer 2 (mother)
I too bear fish, upon my back;
he rides in orange over black,
directing us to river track
to drink and hear the ducks say 'Quack!'

Deer 3 (son)
I'm carrying a greeny bird,
who sings the sweetest song I've heard;
my mummy says she sounds 'absurd' –
I think that is a funny word!

Deer 4
A lizard snoozes on my tail:
he's earthy brown in skin and scale
and likes to race along the trail,
surpassing slug and snake and snail!

Deer 5
I wear a party hat, a tree
in yellow-gold, as you can see;
it's standing sunlit over me,
providing shade so pleasantly!

Deers 6 and 7
We sisters have a human man
on mind and flank in black and tan,
but small for our tomorrow-clan;
let's shake him off as best we can!

Whee-hee! We're free! Partay, partay!
We saw the hunters leave today!
Tomorrow we shall skip and play
and roam the woods at ease; hooray!


Sarah-Jane Crowson 07-03-2021 02:11 PM

Just to quickly pop in to say that I think this bodes very well for how your website might look.

Nice and sparkly and crisp use of - I think - photoshop filters - but you haven't just used them off the peg, you've experimented and pushed them a bit - & I like how the deer figure at the right blurs into the tree trunk, making a kind of animal/tree/deer half-glimpsed character.

(fun poem, too)


And, if I am right about the process, kudos for pushing the filters to just the right moment, not taking them too far!

F.F. Teague 07-03-2021 03:41 PM

Thanks, Sarah-Jane :-)

This image was created using ArtRage 5, tracing and felt tips and something else, I think (I'll check). I had a bit of help with it when my hands started hurting (osteoarthritis), but my friend is very shy and said I needn't name her. I'm intrigued by Photoshop; I think I've used their free editing tools, not the stuff you have to pay for. Yes, I like the blurry deer too; and thanks for enjoying the poem <(:-)

Best wishes,

Sarah-Jane Crowson 07-03-2021 04:24 PM

Eek! Fliss and friend, so sorry. All I can say is make it less great next time so I don't mistake it for a photoshop algorithm!


F.F. Teague 07-03-2021 06:18 PM

That's okay, Sarah-Jane :-)

I'm still interested in Photoshop, though. It sounds promising in the context of creating digital art. Perhaps we could chat about that at some point?

Best wishes,

David Callin 07-04-2021 05:31 AM

Lovely picture, Fliss, and the poem is a lot of fun. Nice combo.



mignon ledgard 07-04-2021 08:10 AM

F F Teague - No hunting
Dear Fliss,

I love your painting. It's movement and colors, and the contrast with the shadow deer is great. I wonder if you ever project onto canvas and paint.

The poem is lively and a propo' - maybe it will be an illustrated book?

PM me about painting apps, if you wish; I'm always interested in these.

Your poems are songs, too.

Thank you for the many lovely offerings!

Let's see if this pastes, for I've had to log on again. Boo.

F.F. Teague 07-04-2021 09:56 AM

Thanks, David! Happy you like the combo :-)

- - -
Thanks also, mignon. Are you asking if I ever paint in the traditional way, i.e. away from the laptop? I can't do that, I'm afraid; my hands are too painful. But I can do a few things with ArtRage, just using the tip of my right index finger. Perhaps I'll post an example soon.

Yes, it's pretty lively, isn't it? I wrote a poem for every sculpture a few years ago, but I think they'll all need reworking before anyone takes them on. All I know about painting apps is ArtRage at the moment, but I'll PM when I discover new things. Thanks for 'songs' as well :-)

Best wishes,

Sarah-Jane Crowson 07-04-2021 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by F.F. Teague (Post 466926)
That's okay, Sarah-Jane :-)

I'm still interested in Photoshop, though. It sounds promising in the context of creating digital art. Perhaps we could chat about that at some point?

Best wishes,

Yes, sure. If you give me until the last week of July, then PM me that'll get me over my busy spot & I'll be that bit closer to the wonders of summer leave (I hope). I know you're busy too but I'm sure we can find a time for a chat.

In the meantime...Photoshop is expensive, and gold standard, but there are free apps that might be useful to play with.

Pixlr e is the one that I use if I'm ever in the position of running collage workshops with external colleagues (who don't have photoshop). Pixlr e's interface (for me) feels like a very reduced version of photoshop, so it might be a good place to start. They also offer Pixlr x which is more like Canva, with built-in presets.

I have friends who swear by GIMP, too. I've not used it, but I'd trust their experience, and it's open-source so that has to be good.

I quickly had a scoot about to see if there were more I wasn't aware of and found this useful article from Creative Bloq. It lists ArtRage, so it might be that you already have the software you need anyway.

What else? I have a graphics tablet, but I tend to use iPad and apple pencil with an app called 'Sketches Pro' - it's fab, with gorgeous brushes. I'm not sure how that (or a graphics tablet) would work with your hands if you have reduced mobility, but it might be worth a try.

I like the affordances of digital, but I always try to bring some analogue in, at some point, somewhere, somehow. It feels empty without it, to me, although that's probably my cultural bias talking as much as anything. But a tiny bit, even if the analog is just a tiny cut-out thing, or a hand-drawing scanned in as one of the layers, or a little mark-make.


F.F. Teague 07-04-2021 06:08 PM

Thanks Sarah-Jane :-)

Please, take your time about getting in touch. I wish I had summer leave!

Thousand thank-coos for all the information about Photoshop, et al. It seems there's a lot of stuff out there with potential for digital artwork. Yes, mobility in the hands is rather reduced (I can type though, which is something). I would definitely do a few things away from the laptop if possible; perhaps a member of my team could be engaged to assist with this :-)

Thank you!

Ramya Sadasivam 05-17-2022 06:01 AM

This lifted my mood up <3 Thank you for posting this

F.F. Teague 05-17-2022 07:13 PM

You're welcome, Ramya; I'm happy to have lifted your mood! I had a wonderful time writing the poem. It brought back pleasant memories of walking the sculpture trail with my family and enjoying all the pieces :)

Best wishes,

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