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Marion Shore 05-12-2012 12:37 PM

Movie Summaries
After all those poetry summaries for the Speccie comp, I find myself with a bad case of encapsulitis. So this morning I was lying in bed composing limerick encapsulations of movies, and I thought those of you with OCD might like to join me in this pointless exercise. They don't have to be limericks, I guess. ±16 lines. Sorry, no £ or fiver. Just fun. (I hope.)

Here are mine:

The Sound of Music

She thought being a nun was a snap,
but the nuns said "Maria, that's crap!"
So the abbess, quite canny,
said she must be a nanny.
And that's how she became a von Trapp.

The Sixth Sense

A shrink whose marriage was ending,
with many a plot twist impending,
met a young boy who said
he saw folks who were dead,
and then – well, I won't spoil the ending.

Chris O'Carroll 05-12-2012 01:33 PM

Thanks for the idea, Marion.

A college grad hears that a plastic
Career would be something fantastic.
When his girlfriend gets mad
That he’s done like her Dad
With her Mom, his solution is drastic.

Rick seems the least moral of men,
But he does noble deeds now and then.
When another man’s wife
Re-enters his life,
He elects not to play it again.

Brian Allgar 05-13-2012 06:35 AM

Well, I recognize "The Sound of Music", "The Graduate" (I presume), and "Casablanca", but what's your second one, Marion?

George Simmers 05-13-2012 06:43 AM

My sixth sense tells me it may be a Bruce Willis movie.

E. Shaun Russell 05-13-2012 07:30 AM

There was a young Brit who became
An Arab in all but his name;
He said "It is grand
To march through the sand
But where can I find me a dame?"

Brian Allgar 05-13-2012 08:50 AM


Robbing safes gives a feeling of power -
Who would think it of such a fair flower?
If you’re fleeing the fates
In a motel named “Bates”,
Just be careful when taking a shower.

North by Northwest

Roger Thornhill’s mistaken by spies
For George Kaplan, a figment of lies.
When trapped in the Rockies,
His way out - a shock - is
To slide down the President’s eyes.

Orwn Acra 05-13-2012 09:46 AM

He's M and I'm I and you're elle
as we ambulate through the hotel,
and play games of Nim,
and speak without vim,
and advertise Coco Chanel.

Jayne Osborn 05-13-2012 09:49 AM

What fun, Marion! Thanks for this - but please can we have the film titles with the limericks? They're not all immediately obvious!

The Shawshank Redemption (my favourite film of all time)

Poor Andy is framed, but his head
is screwed on OK! He meets Red,
then escapes through a hole;
Red at last gets parole
and they live rich and happy instead.

Chris O'Carroll 05-13-2012 10:07 AM

Marty’s life in the present day sucks
Until Doc Brown’s capacitor’s flux
Helps him rewrite the past
So his father, at last,
Can have confidence, cool, and big bucks.

Orwn Acra 05-13-2012 10:13 AM

La Nouvelle Vague?

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