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Nigel Mace 03-12-2017 11:37 AM

The 2016 Nemerov winning sonnet?
I'm not sure where to post this enquiry - but can anyone direct me to any site where it is possible to read last year's (2016) winning Nemerov Sonnet? The title and poet were posted on the Sphere quite some time back but of the actual poem I can find no trace.

Julie Steiner 03-12-2017 12:01 PM

Here's a link to the winner of 2015 Award, which was announced in 2016.

The 2016 award, judged by Rachel Hadas, hasn't been announced yet, has it?

(Access to all past winners is here.)

Maryann Corbett 03-12-2017 12:15 PM

I'm going to try to answer this, and I hope someone who knows more will add to or correct this answer.

As far as I know, the winning and finalist sonnets are published only in Measure, which is a print-only journal. Also as far as I know, the most recent issue of Measure is Volume XI, issue I, 2016, and in that issue are published the 2015 winner and finalists. The magazine's Facebook page seems to confirm that this is the most recent issue, posting about it on Jan 20. I can't say how long it will be before the issue with the 2016 crop will appear.

Does anybody have better information?

(Julie reminds me above that eventually the winners are posted at The Formalist's site. I'm guessing that happens only after their Measure publication, but that's a guess.)

Maryann Corbett 03-12-2017 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Julie Steiner (Post 391037)
The 2016 award, judged by Rachel Hadas, hasn't been announced yet, has it?

Well, Mike Juster posted about it, here:

Nigel Mace 03-12-2017 12:20 PM

Thanks for those posts, Julie and Maryann. I knew about the lis of past winning sonnets and had been a little puzzled that it had not been updated with the 2016 one. Perhaps it will come along in whatever is due time.

Julie Steiner 03-12-2017 12:32 PM

Oh! Now I remember reading Mike's post. These days I've got a mind like a steel trap--everything entering gets crushed and mangled. Thanks, Maryann.

I agree with Maryann that they'll probably wait to publish the text online until Measure publishes it in print format, which could take a long while yet.

Ron 01-15-2018 06:11 AM

...Oh, yeah; now I remember...

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