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Lightning Bug 10-24-2014 04:51 AM

Here at the Parodies - for Kim Bridgford
This is a challenge to post your take on the Kimcabal at West Chester in the form of classic poems.

Kim Bridgford
(after Byron’s “John Keats”)

Who culled Kim Bridg-
ford? "We," said West Chester.
"We deemed to divest her,
per our privilege."

Why wield the guillotine?
Who had the dreadful cred -
a founder, department head,
president, or dean?


Ann Drysdale 10-24-2014 06:57 AM

Count me out, please, Bugsy. It may be irritatingly "British" of me, but it strikes me as being in rather questionable taste.

Anna M Evans 10-24-2014 07:54 AM

Just to note that Bugsy ran both the poem and the idea by myself and Kim before posting this challenge.

Michael Cantor 10-24-2014 09:05 AM

I'm with Ann Drysdale. We don't know what's going on, the school may be handing out pap (partly, I assume because of the possible legal situation), but at least they're not passing on undocumented accusations. I'm tired of charges and statements by people who know someone who knows someone who knows something but can't be named - and I don't see where this thread will help that climate in the least.

Anna M Evans 10-24-2014 09:08 AM

Never mind.

Rose Kelleher 10-24-2014 09:31 AM

Great idea, Bugsy. What better way for poets to vent about an issue than to write practice poems about it?

Those po-faced American poets,
so dour and politically prim!
Deficient in irony, earnest and cautious,
they never compose on a whim.

Why can't they be more like the British?
You try to have fun and they spoil it.
The British are jolly and earthy and sprinkle
their poems with humor de toilet.

The British think sex is a riot,
well suited to doggerel verse.
Americans try to be grown-up about it,
which only makes everything worse.

Their heads are all up their own arses,
they never just say what they think.
Why can't they be more like the British, who tackle
the truth with a nudge and a wink.

But anyway, back to the topic.
Excuse me if this is seditious.
When competent people are sacked without notice
it tends to make people suspicious.

Rose Kelleher 10-24-2014 09:55 AM

p.s. In case it's not clear, that's not an entry. Just expressing support for the idea.

Anna M Evans 10-24-2014 10:26 AM

Westchester, Schmestchester:
Leader Kim Bridgford was
Fired without warning from
Being its Queen.

I can't quote anyone
But you can trust me far
More than a Dean...

Julie Steiner 10-24-2014 11:20 AM

On Taste, and Other Questionable Things

Much in life is questionable,
Rumor rhymes with tumor.

Careful, folks--conjectures' cancers
spread like spam for male enhancers.
Questions, though, may lead to answers.
I'm for those. And humor.

Ann Drysdale 10-25-2014 01:28 AM

Indeed, Julie. I wish I had written that instead of my earlier comment. Bugsy has told me it was technically out of line because this thread is his party and I was a high-handed guest.

I am so sorry; I truly believed that it was OK to decline the invitation. I hadn't realised that there was a line to be out of and I hadn't understood that there were different rules for D&A.

IMPORTANT. Bugsy had the good grace to contact me privately about this and I have put a reply here only because, if I have offended him, I have offended others and such was not my intention. Please do not make posts here relating to this one. Let the party continue; I have misunderstood.


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