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Alex Pepple 05-21-2011 12:29 AM

Able Muse, Print Edition (No. 11, Summer 2011), is Here!
Dear Eratosphereans:

Able Muse, Print Edition (Number 11, Summer 2011) has just been released now available in print (through Able Muse Press, and from Amazon and elsewhere – ISBN: 978-0-9865338-5-3), and in digital format (at Able Muse, for subscribers), with details and excerpts available at:
This is the seminannual Able Muse (Print Edition) - Summer, 2011 issue. This issue continues the tradition of masterfully crafted poetry, fiction, essays, art & photography, and book reviews that have become synonymous with the Able Muse—online and in print. After more than a decade of online publishing excellence, the second issue of Able Muse, print edition is here and highlights works of the same superlative standard as presented all these years in the online edition, and, the recently released Able Muse Anthology (Able Muse Press, 2010).
                    ". . . [ ABLE MUSE ] fills an important gap in understanding what is really happening in early twenty-first century American poetry."
                                                                                                                                                                – Dana Gioia.


EDITORIAL Alexander Pepple.

FEATURED ARTIST Eleanor Leonne Bennett.

FEATURED POET Catharine Savage Brosman
(Interviewed by Timothy Murphy).

FICTION — Deborah P. Bloch, Catherine Sharpe, Traci Chee.

ESSAYS Rachel Hadas, David Mason, Andrew Waterman.

BOOK REVIEWS — Leslie Monsour, Alexander Pepple.

POETRY — Reagan Upshaw, John Drury, Joanna Pearson, John Savoie, David Hedges, Brian Culhane, Rilke (Translated by Len Krisak), C. R. Resetarits, Emily Leithauser, Nicholas Friedman, Christine de Pisan (Translated by Maryann Corbett), Rory Waterman, Robert Cooperman, Mebane Robertson, Laura Heidy-Halberstein.


- Grasshopper: The Poetry of M A Griffiths
- Lines of Flight – Poems by Catherine Chandler
- Nevertheless – Poems by Wendy Videlock
- The Able Muse Anthology's released and available (Summer, 2010)
- Able Muse Review: Print Edition orders and subscription
  • Grasshopper and Lines of Flight will appear in this summer First Books Panel at West Chester Poetry Conference, and
  • The Able Muse Anthology will appear at the Able Muse Anthology Panel at the conference.
( Details available at )

With special thanks for an outstanding new release of the print edition to--
Gregory Dowling: Nonfiction Editor
Nina Schuyler: Fiction Editor,
Tim Love, John Riley, Janice D. Soderling: Assistant Fiction Editors


Alex Pepple, Editor
Able Muse

Julie Steiner 05-22-2011 10:53 PM

Everyone who benefits from Eratosphere is supporting Able Muse Press by subscribing to the Able Muse print version, right? Or by purchasing a book or two? Or perhaps with an outright donation?

Tim Murphy 05-23-2011 04:18 AM

It was a real privilege to conduct an interview with my last Featured Poet, Catharine Savage Brosman, whom we got to know when she judged our annual Deck the Halls event last December. Looks like a grand issue. I second Julie's comment. The first four books from Able Muse are uniformly excellent. What an auspicious start for a new press, but what publisher on earth is better networked with gifted poets than Alex Pepple?

Andrew Frisardi 05-23-2011 04:29 AM

Is there any difference between the print edition and the digital one? I'm inclined to subscribe to the latter instead, if it's the same content.

Maryann Corbett 05-23-2011 08:07 PM

Andrew, I've been trying to determine this myself. It looks as though the only way to get access to the full content online is to subscribe to the print edition. I hope Alex will chime in here if I haven't understood this correctly.

But we do indeed thank Alex for all his hard work in putting a beautiful product together.

Alex Pepple 05-23-2011 08:23 PM

Thanks Julie, Tim and everyone for the good words!

Andrew, you can only subscribe to the print edition, but subscribers receive bonus access to the digital edition while their print subscription is in effect (as Maryann pointed out).


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