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Sharon Passmore 08-20-2014 08:19 AM

Garden Blends
These are made by combining 2 photos in a new way I am experimenting with. In this way - the value is determined by the picture of the person and the color all comes from the photo of the garden.


Earth Mother

Patricia A. Marsh 08-21-2014 03:38 AM

Interesting idea! Did you use that Gimp program to make these pictures?

Considering the background photo and the colors, I think Earth Mother works best. Jack looks like he's out of his element and seems surprised to be there. :eek:

All best!

Edited to add:
I took another look at the Gimp program you recommended and found that it does, surprisingly, contain a painting feature after all. After watching a video painting demonstration, however, I think Gimp is more complicated to use than I find ArtRage to be.

Rick Mullin 08-25-2014 03:55 PM

Hi Sharon,

I have to say, I have a hard time focusing. There is something about taking the photograph one mechanic/technical step further by photoshopping or somehow altering the image on a computer that cools an image off. It took me long enough to recognize photography as an art, and don't think I will take the next step very easily. I never paint from photographs, for example.

A bit of a subjective critique--... RM

ross hamilton hill 08-26-2014 07:39 PM

I also think the second works best. That's a slightly sad green for me, and it goes with the little girl's vulnerability. The Jack is more vibrant, maybe more hot colour for the first layer?

Sharon Passmore 08-28-2014 06:47 PM

Thanks, folks. I like Earth Mother best too because of the way the flowers and lawn seem to create a fancy neckline, a bodice, the child's hat. It's nice when the two photos relate well in the end. I never know how it will come together until about halfway through. I like having the element of chance in it.

Yes, Patricia this is done with Gimp.

Rick, fair enough.

Ross, there are no layers here, but I can mess with the colors a bit. I will post some versions later.

You see, I take the first picture - the garden - and make darker and darker copies till I get one almost black (about 20), and lighter and lighter copies till I get white. Then I turn the other photo black and white. Now I select the very blackest of the second photo and replace it with the darkest garden ...and so on and so on...This is where the chance comes in and why I don't know how it will really look till about halfway in. In the end nothing of the face photo remains.

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