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Patricia A. Marsh 09-12-2014 10:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
"Reflection"---an ArtRage digital oil & palette knife experiment.

Attachment 822

ross hamilton hill 09-14-2014 05:21 PM

Interesting but I think you can take this a lot further (the program, not this painting) I found with Paint the possiblilites got to the stage where bugs in the program contibuted to the effects by creating 'mistakes'. Half the fun for me was pushing the boundaries, given that you can usually 'undo' it. Anyway just want to encourage you.

Patricia A. Marsh 09-23-2014 08:53 PM

Hi Ross!

Forgive me for not getting back to you sooner. I'm still getting acquainted with the ArtRage program by simply experimenting. I'm sure that, when I take the time to read the user's manual, there will be more discoveries to be made. Meantime . . . thank you for the encouragement.

All best!

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