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Sharon Passmore 04-08-2002 09:43 AM

Kate has been kind enough to let me try out an Art Funexcise in her forum.

I think it would be fun to pick a poem from the boards and illustrate it somehow. It could be in any medium you like.

For those mean people who may feel intimidated about posting their own art, finding some existing art that works for one of the poems would be ok too.

There are complete instructions about posting images in the art forum's announcement. If you use someone else's art though, link to it - don't post the image in the thread because it may be copyrighted.

Sharon P.

Sharon Passmore 04-08-2003 09:44 PM

Something must have gone weird because my first post up there ^ got dated April 8, 2002.

Carol Taylor 04-09-2003 07:29 AM

I can't draw, so I'll offer a verse for somebody else to illustrate:

Fear of Flying

A sailor, when offered a trip
by air, was reported to quip,
"I can swim just a bit
but I can't fly a flit,
so I'm taking my chances by ship."


Kate Benedict 04-10-2003 10:30 AM

For Jim Hayes' The Snare, about killing a rabbit:

Rabbit redux:

Rabit redux redux (middle of page):

Then of course there’s Durer’s Hare, a live rabbit:

and someone else’s Hare “after” Durer:

Kate Benedict 04-10-2003 10:55 AM

Wow! Wait till you see this, to accompany artemesia’s poem Ivy. Adults only please!

This also works quite well:

inkwellpoetess 04-10-2003 11:21 AM

For Hesiod's "Love Song of the Watermelon"

[This message has been edited by inkwellpoetess (edited April 10, 2003).]

Sharon Passmore 04-10-2003 11:45 AM

How fun, people

The Snare


Love Song of the Watermelon

Chao 04-11-2003 01:59 AM

hi Sharon and all,

this is really a good fun, in deed

Especially, the IVY as a metaphor for a passionate woman is so good.

The links Kate put on are as great as well.

In my language, we are used to connecting a pasionate woman with weeping willow tree leaves which are well described in this link:

Mr Chao

Sharon Passmore 04-12-2003 10:15 AM

I was checking out the main site of riggsart, where you found the watermelon pic and there is some very nice sculpture in there!

Padrigia 04-12-2003 03:26 PM

Artemesia's Ivy poem made me think of an old fiber piece I stuck in the window of an old ivy-covered greenhouse. Took a photo of it today.

Hope that worked!


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