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Unread 08-19-2010, 01:21 PM
Orwn Acra Orwn Acra is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: NYC
Posts: 2,342

CaucasianLocks entered the kitchen.

"This porridge is thermally gifted!"
"This porridge is thermally challenged!"
"This porridge is average!"

She thought about her options in gastronomy. Being a female trencherperson, she sampled each bowl and concluded they were all suitable.

She entered the living room.

"This chair is ergonomically endowed!"
"This chair is ergonomically bereft!"
"This chair is average!"

Perusing her options in furniture, she sat in each chair and concluded each would eventually find the right fundament to support, although, if she absolutely had to pick the “best one” she would possibly maybe choose the latter option. Not that she liked to pick favorites.

As she entered the bedroom, she noticed three ethically ambiguous grizzly bears.

“Pardon my intrusion!” cried CaucasianLocks.

“You could have been allergic to that porridge!” said Papa Bear, whose maternal instincts were equal to Mama Bear’s. “Let’s take this opportunity to learn about each other’s culture.”

Last edited by Orwn Acra; 08-19-2010 at 01:26 PM.
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