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Unread 01-14-2011, 11:55 AM
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
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Default Haggis Thread: The Sequel

Burns Day is tomorrow, January 29. Today I am teaching Burns to 1200 kids in a great Catholic high school. And all of the kiddies will be seeing this remarkable YouTube of our John Beaton performing Address to the Haggis at a Burns Supper in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, where John ended up settling down after he was uprooted from the Highlands. The Scottish burr is so thick, the performance so grand and exaggerated, that it will be helpful to you to have text in hand. Here it is with a translation:
This amazing performance was linked at Accomplished members last year, and the responses are a riot. Now gae bow yer froisty pows in memorie o' Rabbie Burns. Tim

That was me, impersonating Tim! ...Alex
& I moved this thread from the Accomplished forum to launch this year's Burns Day.
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