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Unread 03-28-2013, 05:37 AM
Brian Allgar Brian Allgar is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Paris, France
Posts: 5,405

The terrifying secret was out. The country had been infested by a ravening horde of predatory creatures that were bent on conquest. They closely resembled human beings, so it was impossible to recognize them until it was too late. They infiltrated boadrooms and shareholders’ meetings, cunningly spreading their deadly poison in the form of foreclosures, repossession orders and insane gambles on the Stock Exchange, eating away at the savings and possessions of ordinary people while glutting themselves on obscene rewards. The very words “banker sighted!” sent a chill down people’s spines, yet there was no escape.

It could only end in one way. At a general meeting, the Alpha Banker, a monstrously bloated figure still dribbling blood from his lunchtime 40-ounce steak, announced to the simulacra of humanity that were his minions the words that told them that the final victory was theirs: “Gentlemen - we have achieved economic meltdown!”.
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