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Unread 05-07-2014, 03:33 PM
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Rick Mullin Rick Mullin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Yes, [well, there are some like me who think Picasso went to the circus] but it's like being asked to share poets we love and expecting something interesting to come from "Shakespeare!" or "Whitman!" I took Sharon's plea as in invitation to introduce artists, and the obvious pictures that came up were a bit disappointing.

I have read most of John Richardson's multi-volume life of Picasso, by the way. And, of course, there is plenty to discuss. It's just that.... never mind.

David Park, by the way, is not particularly obscure. But the Bay Area Figurative Movement, a reaction against abstract expressionism and the New York School specifically, oughta intrigue.

Also, I got off the dime here more because of Wes's cartoon than the previous entries.

Last edited by Rick Mullin; 05-07-2014 at 03:44 PM.
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