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Unread 08-06-2014, 03:13 AM
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Ann Drysdale Ann Drysdale is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Old South Wales (UK)
Posts: 6,720

Am I going mad? The sizes of everything - the sizes! In relation to each other, I mean. Is that a real...?

I have so many of these things in my life, typewriter, apples, cans of things and the shisha pipe I found dumped in Abertillery park, which sits beside the lovely lavatory pan at the top of the garden. "Installations", doncherknow...

Oh, come now, Mr Mullin - you're having fun with me, n'est-ce pas?

If not, I apologise for the great shout of delighted laughter that you probably heard across the pond. It means I'm seeing something that isn't there. Again.

But if I am so enchanted by what I "see", does that matter? To you, I mean.

I am still smiling.
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