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Unread 02-17-2015, 03:05 AM
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Ann Drysdale Ann Drysdale is online now
Join Date: Feb 2009
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I've done that. The "green flash" still assumes a disproportionate(?) importance. From a practical point of view (!), a lot of the upper jaw seems to be missing, too, but I just assumed that that is how this object "is". I have begun to trust Rick as a painter, especially on matters of personal perspective and relative "size" in real terms. I give him "permission". (See, Sharon, this is what happens when the whiff of Yak is allowed into your artspace...)

From that Rossdistance, the swirl on the side of the head, the un-ear, suggests a concave surface, which confuses my eyes.

But this, in chronological order, is what distance did. The skull became more skull, I questioned its veracity, then let it be. The background suddenly took on texture which asked me "how can that sort of disturbance be a vertical surface?" and then immediately answered me by remaining, defiantly, as it is.

Then the green flash, dammit, and the swirly absence of ear and then - the eyesocket that, from a distance, took on a depth that sucked my breath into it. Almost a visual definition of a black hole. I peered in, exploring its hinted-at innards; it should have stared back. But it didn't; it closed an invisible fist on my looking and wouldn't give it back.

It still hasn't.
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