Thread: Alice Paintings
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Unread 04-10-2015, 06:11 PM
Roger Slater Roger Slater is offline
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And I am also not unfamiliar with the artists Ross mentions. While I admitted to not having a critical vocabulary to speak as well as I'd like about the images in question, Ross has confused my modesty for a confession of blindness and ignorance. I have seen those artists' paintings many times in museums throughout the world, though mainly in New York where I lived most of my adult life, and I have taken a keen enough interest in art, and appreciation of it, not to have my opinions dismissed as those of an unschooled ignoramus for no other reason than my failure to appreciate doodles that anyone with an iPad and a free app could create in under five minutes. I am glad you have pleased yourself with what you have done, Ross, but this is not kindergarten where every student gets a gold star.
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