Thread: Night & Day
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Unread 10-24-2016, 03:24 AM
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Ann Drysdale Ann Drysdale is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Old South Wales (UK)
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Well, I've always thought of Warhol's four Mickey Mice as a quatrain.

I know in my heart that Ekphrasis is not the only way to cross the divide but in practice others are hard to find.

Is there "One Art"? In her poem of that title, Elizabeth Bishop merely proposes the notion that one of many arts (that of handling loss) is less hard to master than others.

I've been interested in the way that "art" and "science" begin from apparently different places and run parallel in the foreground, but the further you take either discipline the nearer they seem to get and I lust after the meeting/ vanishing point that visual art shows me, making a reality from an optical illusion.

I'd like to do something similar with your art and my art, with visual image and poetry (which, for me, begins in my ears because they are what I "see" with). I get hung up on the inevitably subjective decision between "good" and "bad" which is hopelessly entangled with "like" and "ugh". (Have you been reading the Dylan thread on GT, f'rinstance?)

I am, unfortunately, deficient in the actual language of litcrit, so I couldn't apply it to the visual arts any more than I can to my own.

I'm going to look for the threads where we met and challenged and discussed process. You look too, and between us we'll find them and post links so others might see what we're on about. I am looking round me at the art I've bought because I wanted to live in the light from it and asking why it makes me happy.

Editing in to say I've found the last one we did:

And that, once upon a time, there were regular challenges on D&A but they seem to have been geared to visual responses.

Last edited by Ann Drysdale; 10-24-2016 at 03:01 PM. Reason: I found that which was lost.
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