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Unread 12-12-2016, 03:55 PM
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Jayne Osborn Jayne Osborn is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Middle England
Posts: 6,974


You needn't worry about bumping this thread - we all love to hear good news and it's about time it was revived anyway!

It was great to see you in London for the Spherean lunch with John, David and Nico - and to hear your news of finding that book on arriving back in California. We didn't get around to talking about the Isle of Man and Maughold though, did we?

After last week's gathering I was reminded of the one we had at The Trout in Oxford; it was over five years ago, amazingly. How time flies!

My good news is that my husband and I have decided to revamp part of our house, starting over Christmas while he's on holiday, which involves some demolition and re-building; I don't enjoy the mess and the hard work, but I love the results afterwards!

So, it's a hard hat for me over the festive season, not a paper one . . . (Bah humbug!)
