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Unread 07-19-2017, 08:30 PM
Jim Moonan Jim Moonan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 4,278

Yesyesyes to all of these.
This morning I woke up empty-handed. This evening I am basking in poetry-induced wisps of euphoria.

Roger, your Happy and Vongole poems are funny. They seek happiness but cannot avoid reality. Thanks, too, for Flipside. It is exhilarating. Have you heard L. Cohen’s “Ain’t No Cure for Love”? It mines the same territory.

Mark, Fruit Market is gauzily, honey drenched euphoric with a touch of sensuality. I am easily caught up in your altered state. (I’m reminded of your poem where you were enamored by the soft place behind a woman’s ear in front of you while attending a school meeting – I can’t remember the name of it – I’m pathetically unorganized in that regard). I think much of what you’ve written that I’ve read has a transcendent quality that is euphoria-inducing. At least it often produces that effect on me.

Ralph, In nature is where euphoria is best manifested, I think. Are the Santa Ana winds a good thing?

Here’s a poem by Van Morrison entitled, “On Hyndforde Street” that appears on his “Hymns To The Silence” album (one of his best.) It is all about that feeling. He finds it in remembrance. He recites it to haunting music. It’s as much a meditation as it is a poem. Van at his mystical best.
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