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Unread 01-31-2018, 12:35 PM
Siham Karami Siham Karami is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Florida, USA
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Hi Jan,
I’m not a total Arabic scholar, but my husband is and I have some working knowledge of it. So “Taj Al-Muluk” itself means “Crown of Kings.” As for “Kharan”, as spelled in English, it does not bring any actual Arabic word to mind. If you could copy the Arabic spelling it might help. The alternative is that this word could be Farsi? Which uses Arabic letters and has some Arabic words or similar to... Because it’s tricky to transliterate, therein perhaps lies the problem, but off the bat “amorous blandishment” sounds more like a flight of fancy. There is a word normally transliterated “khairan, which means “good”, but it wouldn’t make grammatical sense in this way of using it. I also asked if it could be a name, but was told “no.” As spelled it looks too close to a word “khara” which means excrement. Maybe someone was playing tricks on someone here??

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