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Unread 06-03-2018, 05:46 PM
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Jayne Osborn Jayne Osborn is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Middle England
Posts: 6,972


Your response to my original query, as in this thread's title, is beautifully put. It's exactly how I felt - and still do. Thank you for expressing your views; you are one of the people I'm very glad to have met through my involvement with Eratosphere (along with your sister, Mary, ...who is much closer geographically!).

David R,
...the Sphere will always be deep in my heart, as corny as that sounds.
It's not corny at all, David; on the contrary, it's a lovely sentiment, which I share.

...And Jan,
Take as many sabbaticals as you need - but always keep coming back, please

All this feedback is very welcome, and useful. Thank you, everyone.

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