Thread: Leon Stokesbury
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Unread 11-18-2018, 01:56 PM
Ned Balbo Ned Balbo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Posts: 515

Leon wrote to me after running across my second book, Lives of the Sleepers, years ago & for a while we shared poems & corresponded. I already knew his fine work from the David Jauss & Philip Dacey anthology Strong Measures.

When I got hold of Autumn Rhythms, his first selected volume, I was knocked out by its riches. Here's one suited to the moment.

Ready to Satisfy All Your Bereavement Needs

The preacher who delivered the eulogy
at Wardell's Funeral Home
in Oklahoma City
churned on and on--
ladling out what he perceived
to be the virtuous cream
of my father's bounty
far and away.
I cannot recall today
what it was precisely
the preacher who delivered the eulogy
at my father's funeral said--
because at that particular time
I found it impossible
to concentrate on what
the preacher had to say--
because just as the preacher
who delivered the euology
began, I got the most
wonderful idea for a poem.

Here's the link to another: "The Day Kennedy Died." Rest in peace, Leon.
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