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Unread 10-05-2021, 06:07 AM
Matt Q Matt Q is offline
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Default "Say it again" (a call for submissions and a thread to post them on)

Sidekick books have a call out for a book called "Say it again". Not poems, but very much in the D&A ballpark. Kind of like a Speccie competition with (presumably) no financial reward, but instead the glory of publication in an anthology.

They have a few other calls that seem similarly suitable, which I may post here too, however they just posted a blog post looking at this one in more detail so I thought I'd start with that. Anyway, looks like fun to play with even if you don't enter, so have at it.

Here's the call for submissions in brief:

We want you to take existing quotations and reshape them. Subvert, sabotage and wilfully misrepresent what already exists. Make it new. Play off the audience’s knowledge of the proper quotation, or take it in a whole new direction.

Each misquotation/piece can be very short (the normal length of a quotation) and should be no longer than 200 words, 25 lines, or one page (see template below for page size). Send us anything between one and ten individual misquotations/pieces.
Here's the the blogpost with further explanation and suggestions for the sort of thing they're looking for.

Last edited by Matt Q; 10-05-2021 at 02:38 PM.
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