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Unread 07-20-2023, 12:05 AM
Max Goodman Max Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by Jim Moonan View Post
Perhaps it’s the modernity of it, but I never truly felt the desperation and the depth of Hamlet's soliloquy until I heard it delivered by David Tennant here. Acting genius. Great camera work.
That's a great Hamlet! Directed by Gregory Doran, based on his 2008 production. Theater directing is the one interpretive art that I feel I get, because it's made up of choices I can experience (particularly when the play is a familiar one, so I can compare the choices to those of other productions). In this Hamlet, time and time again lines mean something different than I'd ever heard them mean before, and not giving the impression that Doran and his cast were trying to be clever, but making me feel "Oh that's what Shakespeare meant!" That I can't think of a specific example shows me it's time to rewatch this. Thanks for bringing it up, Jim.
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