Thread: Midden
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Unread 01-27-2024, 12:31 PM
Jim Moonan Jim Moonan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 4,280

It's an earthy nugget of a poem that I have a hunch will find its rightful place in Manx literature/culture for eons to come.

As has been said before elsewhere, you could start the poem with line 3 but then you'd lose its neat division into quatrains. Also lost would be your signature way of easing into a poem...
On the other hand, you could do away with the stanza breaks all together and make it one big pile — a midden. And center it on the page, omphalos-like.

This line: "It snored in the middle of our farm." is amazing. I wonder, though, if repeating it verbatim in S4 takes away for its appearance in S1.

Question: are middens simply a dumping place for organic refuse and for no other purpose? I'm assuming a midden is not a "compost pile" like we have in the States typically used as fertilizer for the garden.

It's a beauty in the eye of this beholder.

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