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Unread 03-31-2024, 07:10 AM
Clive Watkins Clive Watkins is offline
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Yorkshire, UK
Posts: 2,484

David was indeed a very decent fellow, Jayne. We had already exchanged books many years ago, when I was more active at the Sphere than I have been for many years. As far as I can remember, we met in person only once – at a lunch you organized, a long time ago, at The Trout Inn at Wolvercote, near Oxford. Also present were Gregory Dowling, David Mason, Cally Conan-Davies (and, I think, Rayne, her daughter), and also the British poet Rory Waterman – but I may be mistaken about this, too. As I say, this jolly event occurred a long time ago. David and I shared our love of and family connexions with Wales, in my case with South Wales, in his case with North Wales – though, growing up on Merseyside and the Wirral, I know well the Gwynedd David spoke and wrote about.

Thanks for the information about his funeral, Jayne, and for the link to photographs of David. A sad loss.

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