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Unread 04-06-2001, 11:25 AM
Howard Howard is offline
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Georgia
Posts: 283

"The Witch to Hansel"

Ah, this I know: that you are very fine.
The autumn day we met, I thought the air,
seasoned with sage and onions and port wine,

anticipated in its scents of vine
and gardenplot all that we are to share;
and this I know: that you are very fine.

I recognized your hunger as a sign
that we were at the start of something rare.
Seasoned with sage and onions and port wine,

the morsels which I gave to you to dine
upon were proof of my devoted care.
And this I know: that you are very fine.

I've nutured you and watched as my design
swelled toward fulfilment, answering my prayer.
Seasoned with sage and onions and port wine,

the dishes you consumed were rich as mine
will be and which, soon now, I will prepare.
And this I know: that you'll be very fine,
seasoned with sage and onions and port wine.

[I think I cheated by playing a bit fast and loose with the
original, which is from Southey's sonnet "To a Goose":
"But this I know, that thou wert very fine,
Seasoned with sage and onions and port wine."
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