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Unread 02-14-2009, 12:13 PM
Michael Cantor Michael Cantor is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Plum Island, MA; Santa Fe, NM
Posts: 11,181

I dunno, Phillip - to me that's the kind of slush and gush that elicits slobbering cries of Oh, I really, really love your images from poetry ladies of all ages and genders. Possibly that's why the post didn't get more attention. It is your absence touches my sad hands. C'mon!

If Filipino poetry interests you, check out Luisa Igloria, who lives and teaches in the States, but is very active in the poetry communities in both countries. Here's some recent work of hers in Umbrella Journal - -
and here's the home page of her extensive web site:

Another Filipino poet of note is Jodie Reyes, who was the Hudson Review cover boy in their New Writers issue a few years back, and is involved on an irregular basis with our local Powow River Poets group. Jodie, who has won poetry awards in the Phillipines and here, writes intelligent and often wryly humorous poetry. (Unfortunately, a quick Google didn't reveal much available on the internet.)
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